Me and David Lee

Me and David Lee
Riding together for the cause!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Fitness Quest 10 Workout

This Sunday instead of a group ride we met at Fitness Quest 10 in Scripps Ranch for some weight training relevant to those who cycle. Pat Jack carefully took us through the benefits of weight training and dispelled some myths about cyclists and why they should consider weight training in addition to aerobic only workouts. Pat really knows his stuff and kept us involved.
After the lecture/instructions we went outside for some nontraditional style workouts. We broke into 5 groups and took turn switching between running the ladders, pushing the weight sled, pounding a giant truck tire with a sledgehammer, throwing a medicine ball back and forth with your partner and swinging a huge length of rope that was looped through a heavy kettle bell. We all learned that we can get a great aerobic and weight training workout at the same time with movements and working muscle groups that will benefit our cycling form and fitness!
Back inside Pat showed us about a dozen stretches in standing, sitting and lying positions. This was awesome as I did not know many of these stretches and I am a slacker when it comes to stretching out. I have to admit I felt better and looser afterwards and will use many of the items I picked up from this clinic. On the funny side it was hilarious to watch most of us do the lizard walk. We were supposed to keep our butts down but you could really tell who spends time in the gym or who stretch versus those who don’t. There were lots of bums flying high as we crawled our way down the alley behind the gym. Hope no one took pictures!

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