Me and David Lee

Me and David Lee
Riding together for the cause!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Immunity and Time Trial

This Sunday was an early one. I met the other radio contestants at Fletcher Cove at 6:15 am for an immunity challenge. The winner of the challenge is safe from being cut for a week or until there is another challenge. This time it was a test on naming the cities we stop in on the way down the coast on the ride in October. Adam Beck was the winner, congratulations Adam. Well done! Adam got all 7 stops correct. I missed two, Santa Cruz and Marina Del Rey. Darn it I was hoping to be safe from the 2 cuts that are coming Wednesday morning from XX Radio's Scott & Billy Ray show. As contestants we are growing closer and we feel that while only one of us can win; none of will be losers! After this next round of cuts we will be down to 6. The ride was a time trial up Torrey Pines. We rode from Fletcher Cove to the parking lot at the northern end of Torrey Pines just south of Del Mar. The staff assigned us a number and we started in one minute intervals 1.5 miles up the hill. My time was 9.23 minutes. I believe I can shave at least 10 seconds off just from having done it once (this was the first time I have made this climb). My goal is to get under 9 minutes. The times ran from 6.15 minutes to 10:50 minutes. Everyone did really well and we obviously have some very strong cyclists in our training group. After the ride us radio contestants decided that we would work together to make sure all 8 of us raise enough money to make the Qualcomm Million Dollar Challenge ride benefitting the Challenged Athletes Foundation. We agreed that the radio contest winner will share whatever funds he or she has raised with the other 7 riders. We also agreed to assist each other with fundraising and will plan some group fundraising events in the future. After our meeting I went home for some honey-do's and watched the Little League World Series. Congratulations to Parkview Little League for winning the LLWS series. I wonder what it would feel like to be the best in the world at something? Well for now I will have to settle for getting the most out of this old body and enjoy the gains I am making in the climbing department.

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