Me and David Lee

Me and David Lee
Riding together for the cause!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Its All Good

Those of you who know how competitive I am are probably thinking I lost my fastball. Nope not yet. Yes I was eliminated this morning from the radio competition. Yes I still hate to lose more than loving to win. So why is it OK? Because I didn't lose. This experience has been motivating, inspiring and has opened my eyes and my heart to more of the goodness in our world. If I had never entered the contest I would not have met David Lee, Mike Henderson, Diane Brown & the other ride leaders, Tina, Vikki, Rachel Cowan, the rest of the radio contestants and many others too numerous to mention. I would never known that I could do back to back centuries or climb Mount Palomar on a bicycle! I would not have met Dan a potential challenged athlete and grantee and my fundraising or actually your donations just may help him improve his fitness as mine has improved over the last four months. What a journey and I haven't even begun the ride down the coast. I so appreciate the calls, text messages and e-mails from friends, family and especially from the other contestants who like me have been eliminated too. While I was disappointed for a brief moment this morning I feel great about this whole challenge. I honestly cannot think of anything I could have done differently and I believe I did everything I could to the best of my ability to win. If anything I might have pushed and or tried too hard as is my nature. My effort was not enough to make the top three, so all I can do is tip my hat to Alex, Adam and Joy and wish you the best of luck! I won this challenge long ago when I made new friends and found that I love to ride. Being able to help others and contribute in a small way to the greater good of challenged athletes while doing something I truly enjoy is my good fortune. Having the support of so many old friends, family members and my new friends is a blessing. Thank you are two very small words. They only contain 8 little letters. Those two words though come from my heart and I hope that you will accept them with the same passion that they are sent to you with, friends, family and new acquaintances all! God bless you and Go Bolts because football season and Sunday home games with Jayne are here!

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