Me and David Lee

Me and David Lee
Riding together for the cause!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Its All Good

Those of you who know how competitive I am are probably thinking I lost my fastball. Nope not yet. Yes I was eliminated this morning from the radio competition. Yes I still hate to lose more than loving to win. So why is it OK? Because I didn't lose. This experience has been motivating, inspiring and has opened my eyes and my heart to more of the goodness in our world. If I had never entered the contest I would not have met David Lee, Mike Henderson, Diane Brown & the other ride leaders, Tina, Vikki, Rachel Cowan, the rest of the radio contestants and many others too numerous to mention. I would never known that I could do back to back centuries or climb Mount Palomar on a bicycle! I would not have met Dan a potential challenged athlete and grantee and my fundraising or actually your donations just may help him improve his fitness as mine has improved over the last four months. What a journey and I haven't even begun the ride down the coast. I so appreciate the calls, text messages and e-mails from friends, family and especially from the other contestants who like me have been eliminated too. While I was disappointed for a brief moment this morning I feel great about this whole challenge. I honestly cannot think of anything I could have done differently and I believe I did everything I could to the best of my ability to win. If anything I might have pushed and or tried too hard as is my nature. My effort was not enough to make the top three, so all I can do is tip my hat to Alex, Adam and Joy and wish you the best of luck! I won this challenge long ago when I made new friends and found that I love to ride. Being able to help others and contribute in a small way to the greater good of challenged athletes while doing something I truly enjoy is my good fortune. Having the support of so many old friends, family members and my new friends is a blessing. Thank you are two very small words. They only contain 8 little letters. Those two words though come from my heart and I hope that you will accept them with the same passion that they are sent to you with, friends, family and new acquaintances all! God bless you and Go Bolts because football season and Sunday home games with Jayne are here!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Flying High

The last 2 days have been crazy. Scott and Billy Ray at 1090 radio gave each of the 5 contestants a roll of 1090 banner and said from 5am to 9am Thursday and Friday get out and promote the station. Thursday morning I started in the dark at 5am and put banners on the I-8 and Grossmont Blvd overpass, then more on the 8 and College, I-15 and Aero Dr. and also on the fence along the 52 and Convoy. I was out of banners so I went to the station and picked up some more. Friday I was deciding between doing Sante Fe Station downtown or going up on a crane right over Hwy 67 in Lakeside. After hearing about the great things the others were doing I chose the crane. Bob's Crane in Lakeside was very generous with their time and the cranes. It took a couple of hours, two cranes and several of their guys to accomlish this. A big thank you to Bob, Chris, Todd and the rest of the folks at Bobs Crane you were awesome! Actually other than getting used to the height it was pretty cool being up there. People were honking, waving and wondering what this guy is doing hanging next to the freeway waving 1090 banners. I enjoyed it and am looking forward to the next challenge whatever it may be!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

I Am Overwhelmed

The most unbelievable thing happened on Tuesday. When I returned home from my weekly mens group meeting my wife Jayne informed me that John Glinatsis owner of La Jolla Electric had donated the remaining balance needed for me to participate in the QMDC ride from San Francisico to San Diego in October. I pledged to raise $10,000 this June and was stalled at $5,200. Everyone I knew who could donate had generously done so and I was stressing because I knew that I either had to win the radio contest, receive donations from people or businesses that I did not know or forfeit what I had raised and try again next year. Failing this year and starting over next year is not an option so I decided to give people something for their money and am offering to detail their vehicle inside and out for a donaton to the Challenged Athletes Foundation. Of course I was and am determined to win the XX 1090 cycling challenge in which I would be granted the $10K to go but that is another story. So when I get home Jayne tells me that she showed John my blog and after reading it he asked her how much I needed to raise to reach my goal. Jayne told him $5,000 and the next thing she knows he hands her a check for $5,000! You have no idea how much pressure that relieved. Knowing that I could focus on training and not having to worry about fundraising is a great relief! Jayne and I have been blessed and we know how forturnate we are for all of the good things we have in our lives but outside of our family this is the most generous thing that has ever happened to us. We cannot thank John and La Jolla Electric enough for their amazing generosity. Please if you ever need any electrical work call La Jolla Electric as you already know what kind of company they are. John I wish I had the words to properly thank you but I don't think I do. Jayne and I appreciate you very much and hope you are as blessed in this life as we have been! I will do my very best for all of you who have so generously supported me financially, morally and spiritually. Every donation small or large is meaningful and sincerely appreciated. Thanks to all of you again!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Details for Donations

Did you know your ride can look great while you are helping others? This may be the best value you will ever receive from a donation! We all wish our car, truck or SUV would really sparkle. Now yours can be super clean and shiny inside and out while you support the men and women that the Challenged Athletes Foundation makes grants available to. Here is how it works. I will personally pick up your vehicle, detail it inside and out and deliver it back to you looking like new for a donation of $175.00 for cars and $200.00 for trucks and SUV's! Better yet my fellow XX radio contestant Adam Beck will tune and detail your bicycle for a $20.00 donation. All proceeds go to the foundation to fund our participation in the Qualcomm Million Dollar Challenge Ride. To schedule a vehicle detail call me at 619-322-8894 or e-mail at If you prefer to donate online just click this link to go to my fundraising page. For a bike tune and clean up call Adam at 858 208 9551, e-mail him at and click this link to see his flyer. Thank you again for all of your support, the CAF is a terrific cause and your donations do so much good for those who suffer with a physical disability.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Back 2 Back Centuries or room with a view

Where to start? This weekend was my biggest challenge yet and oh so rewarding. We started early Saturday for the immunity challenge and Joy was the winner once again. She was able to name all 14 ride leaders, coaches, ride chairs etc. Good for you Joy! Next up was day 1 of our 2 day 100 mile back to back rides. Group 4 was raring to go and we had a good ride with no flats or trouble on Saturday. At our 1st SAG stop I met Dan a paraplegic who had e-mailed the Challenged Athletes Foundation just the day before about a grant. Dan wants to get active and competing again. He saw the CAF logo on our support van and came over to visit. We talked a bit about how the CAF can help him and I introduced him to David Lee who encouraged him as well. The last 6 miles or so was spent climbing and it was a nice challenge at the end of day 1. The Terranea Resort where we stayed was incredible. Right on the ocean in Rancho Palos Verdes and beautiful. We had a buffet dinner with all of the riders and it was good to have a chance to talk to some of the men and women in group 1 and 2 as I am not able to ride with them yet and don't know them as well. Rob Tennant one of my group 4 buddies and I shared a room and after the USC game we both were out. Day 2 started better for me than Saturday. I felt good at the start and all was well until mile 68. Cyclists call it bonking and I bonked big time. This is from a lack of nutrition. I was not replacing calories as quickly as I was using them. I became light headed and had little stamina. I felt like I was pedaling hard and should be going 15 to 17 mph but was going 12 then 11 then 10 etc. I began to worry about my ability to finish the ride. Fortunately our lunch SAG was at mile 70 and that really helped. I was last to the SAG and everyone knew something was wrong. Group 4 is fantastic! I am certain I would not have made it without their tips and encouragement. I was fine for 12 miles then bonked again even worse this time. Diane Brown ride leader kept feeding me nutrition gels and that got me through. The back to back centuries are the hardest physical challenge I have faced. I learned a lot and am looking forward to the QMDC ride in October. Between the group 4 riders, ride leaders and Mike Henderson a group 2/3 ride leader who was last years radio contest winner I am confident I can and will make it in good shape and enjoy it too! The friendships and relationships being built are irreplaceable. Thank you again G4 for all of your support!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Busy Weekend

Boy what a weekend this was. I decided to raise awareness for the Challenged Athletes Foundation and XX radios Scott & BR show at the Charger game Friday evening. My brother made up 4 incredible posters and I borrowed my nephews bike trailer. My lovely wife Jayne helped me dress up the trailer and made a donation box etc for the ride. We went to the game extra early arriving at 4pm. Instead of tailgating, this time I rode around the parking lot slowly talking to anyone interested about the Qualcomm Million Dollar Challenge, the CAF and the Scott & BR cycling team radio contest. It was too hot for Jayne to ride along and I am sure she got bored waiting for me but it was very worthwhile and she has enough patience for both of us! I found that most people were not aware of the Challenged Athletes Foundation or what they do. It was great to have the opportunity to explain why this is such a great cause. There were quite a few that listen to Scott & BR and were aware of the radio contest I am still in. I received lots of well wishes from the listeners. I rode my comfort bike instead of the road bike I will ride from San Franscisco to San Diego on. Man I forgot how comfortable the seat is on my old trusty Schwinn! All went well except for one bit of drama. Traffic backed up and forced me to ride well to the right. On the street I am always looking for parked car doors to open so I don't get wiped out. Well I almost missed the porta potti door when it opened. I slammed on the brakes and barely missed being taken down by an outhouse door! The bike trailer went straight up in the air and my flyers and handouts went flying. Lots of folks around helped put everything back and I was riding again in short order. Glad I didn't go down. I already am known for falling when I forget to take my shoes out of the pedal clips in time. I am not sure how I would explain being knocked over by a porta potti door. The remaining radio contestants arrived at Fletcher Cove at 6:15 am Sunday for another immunity challenge. This time Vikki from the CAF who has faithfully been there for all registered riders and radio contestants alike had us choose a water bottle from a bag. One of the bottles contained immunity. Joy Muehlenbein chose the winning bottle. Then Vikki explained that the CAF and the contest are all about teamwork and friendship so hand the immunity off to a team mate. Joy thought carefully for a moment and chose Adam Beck who now has immunity 2 weeks in a row. It was awesome to see Joy give up her immunity so selflessly. The ride itself was an easy 40 miler through Elfin Forest country. Yeah I said easy. I wouldn't have thought 4 months ago that I would associate easy with anything in a 40 mile range other than driving. It just goes to show what we can accomplish with consistent training, the mentoring of our ride leaders and trainers, the great friends and teammates I have met from this challenge and of course the inspiration from the challenged athletes like Fred, David Lee and Rachel Cowan I have had the privilege to meet and get to know a little bit. Like the name of this blog "I wish I could do more". On the contest front there are only 6 of us left. I cannot imagine how they select anyone for elimination as everyone really deserves to be awarded a grant to make the ride. One of us except Adam will be eliminated Wednesday morning between 6:15 and 6:45am. Of course I hope to make it to the finish but have to admit that I am no more worthy than any of the other contestants. As I told my fellow contestants there are no losers in this challenge we are all winners so lets all fundraise and find a way to complete the QMDC ride together in October.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Immunity and Time Trial

This Sunday was an early one. I met the other radio contestants at Fletcher Cove at 6:15 am for an immunity challenge. The winner of the challenge is safe from being cut for a week or until there is another challenge. This time it was a test on naming the cities we stop in on the way down the coast on the ride in October. Adam Beck was the winner, congratulations Adam. Well done! Adam got all 7 stops correct. I missed two, Santa Cruz and Marina Del Rey. Darn it I was hoping to be safe from the 2 cuts that are coming Wednesday morning from XX Radio's Scott & Billy Ray show. As contestants we are growing closer and we feel that while only one of us can win; none of will be losers! After this next round of cuts we will be down to 6. The ride was a time trial up Torrey Pines. We rode from Fletcher Cove to the parking lot at the northern end of Torrey Pines just south of Del Mar. The staff assigned us a number and we started in one minute intervals 1.5 miles up the hill. My time was 9.23 minutes. I believe I can shave at least 10 seconds off just from having done it once (this was the first time I have made this climb). My goal is to get under 9 minutes. The times ran from 6.15 minutes to 10:50 minutes. Everyone did really well and we obviously have some very strong cyclists in our training group. After the ride us radio contestants decided that we would work together to make sure all 8 of us raise enough money to make the Qualcomm Million Dollar Challenge ride benefitting the Challenged Athletes Foundation. We agreed that the radio contest winner will share whatever funds he or she has raised with the other 7 riders. We also agreed to assist each other with fundraising and will plan some group fundraising events in the future. After our meeting I went home for some honey-do's and watched the Little League World Series. Congratulations to Parkview Little League for winning the LLWS series. I wonder what it would feel like to be the best in the world at something? Well for now I will have to settle for getting the most out of this old body and enjoy the gains I am making in the climbing department.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Poker Tourney a Success

Our first fundraising event for the Challenged Athletes Foundation was a success. The people, food and poker playing were all good! As a major supporter of the foundation XX radio was prominent as well. Brendan O'Kane was the big winner and will be the official photographer for the day at the Chargers/Broncos Monday Night Football Game. Greg Michaelson sales manager at Kia of El Cajon finished second followed by his associate at Kia, David Nearing. Cory Foster of Veys Powersports was fourth, then Brian Millum and Scott Bradford. Thank you for your support and congratulations on winning! We also want to thank everyone else for their generous contributions. Manny Diaz-Conti, Jim Cheek, Jon Millum and Jennifer Congernaum of Notorious for Hair for her spa and salon donations. It was awesome that all of the salon raffle prizes were won by the women. Way to go ladies! Our Sunday group ride the next day was really good. The weather cooperated and we didn't have many flat tires or other problems. We rode 77 miles from Del Mar to Oceanside then on to Bonsall and back. Oh man that chocolate milk at the end of the rides is sooooo good. My fellow radio contestants have fundraising events coming up also. Efrain Arvisu will be fundraising at his next big boxing event. The Summer Showdown is this Thursday 7:30PM at the Four Points Sheraton. There will be 5 matches of good quality boxing. More info is available at Joy Muehlenbein is throwing the Brew Bash September 25th at the La Jolla Brewhouse, for more info click on Joys name above. Adam Beck follows the Brew Bash with a Poker Bicycle Ride September 26th you can contact Adam at or check out his blog at Remember all monies raised go to help the men and women supported by the Challenged Athletes Foundation. Thank you again everyone for all of your support whether it be financial or moral!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Flats, Flats and more Flats

Our Sunday group ride was from Del Mar to Hwy 67 via Scripps Poway Parkway then north to Ramona and back to Del Mar. We shortened the normally 72 mile ride a bit due to delays from all of the flat tires we had. One of our riders had three flats and I had my first. Changing the tube in the field was no problem. I was glad that Hooter (one of our ride leaders) was ahead of me as he likes to change the tube for you and I needed the experience. The change went smooth especially with Diane Brown's help (our other group 4 ride leader) getting the rear wheel back on. I found a big goats head thorn in the tire. Once we were back on the road all went well and the four of us who were together when I had the flat pedalled hard to catch up to the main group. The SAG stops (Support and Gear) were especially well done. Don't get me wrong they are always great but last Sunday they were outstanding! We had fresh fruit all cut up on skewers and bananas cut in half so they were easier to peel in addition to the peanut butter filled pretzels, raisins, peanuts, power bars, goos etc. Tina ( I call her Saint Tina) and her friends who help with the SAG stops are awesome! They are unpaid volunteers who generously donate their valuable time. I so appreciate all that these wonderful ladies do for us. In fact in the photo you see me eating at one of our stops. It is good to refuel and rest a bit before pedaling on. Sunday we had 2 SAG stops and of course multiple stops for flat repairs. I think the training is helping as I was sprinting at the end of the ride and felt like I could have gone another 20 miles. I am looking forward to the Challenged Athlete Foundation event at B&L Bike and Sports in Solana Beach Wednesday evening. Of course my big fundraising event is this Saturday night 7PM at my house. The Poker Tournament should be a ton of fun and the prizes are over the top. There are 20 or so spots still available so if you or anyone you know likes poker or is a Charger fan call me (619-322-8894)or e-mail me to register. Having the chance to be on the field as an official Chargers photographer during the Charger/Bronco Monday Night game is a terrific opportunity. This is also the Chargers Legacy home game so the boys will be in their throwback uniforms and many of the former Charger greats will be there for you to photograph! Two lucky tournament players will end up with these prizes and there is so much more! For example an Antonio Gates autographed football, Charger signed apparel by Shawn Merriman and other players too, a Ken Caminiti autographed baseball, massage gift certificates etc. etc. Thanks again to all of you who are supporting me in my quest conquer the challenge of riding the 620 miles from San Francisco to San Diego in October. It is a wonderful cause and I appreciate all of your support!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Final 10

Thursday morning the 10 radio contestant finalists met at 6am at the XX radio station for on air interviews. We had a good time together and enjoyed watching the Scott and BR show that morning. Scott is definitely in charge and Billy Ray is really laid back. All of the contestants are worthy of winning and I am sure this will be a tough decision. Of course I want to and expect to win but the other 9 are deserving too. Its too bad we all can't win. I hope whoever is eliminated is able to fundraise and goes on the October ride anyway. Not sure why Billy Ray is so serious in the photo maybe I forgot to use deoderant since it was such an early morning? Good luck to the other contestants. Next post will be after the 72 mile ride from Del Mar to Hwy 67 and Scripps Poway Pkwy road, then on to Ramona and back to Del Mar this Sunday. Oh Yeah don't forget my big poker tournament this Saturday e-mail me at for more info. If you are a Charger fan you have to be there the prizies are amazing!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Climb Climb and more Climbs

This weekend offered a strong challenge. On Saturday I rode the optional climbing clinic with Mari and Lisa. It was a 52 mile route up and down the hills around the Lake Cuyamaca area. We gained 4,000 feet in elevation over the route. It took a little under four hours to finish. Sundays ride was tougher and longer. We had the longest continuous climb I have faced at the beginning of a ride. After four miles or so we climbed for 13 miles continuously! Whew what a climb. Rob Tennent and I rode and whined together. Actually we finished pretty strong completing the 57 miles of ups and downs in about 4 hours and 40 minutes. I am happy that I did not cramp up or get too sore after back to back tough rides. David Lee who is in the photo in the top of this blog rode with us too. David is amazing and an inspiration to me. Man he can crank those hand pedals and really flies on the downhills

I also made some new friends, Angie and Daisy. Angie is Rob's wife and Daisy is their little dog. Daisy is the cutest pup I think I have ever seen. Everyone loved her and we all decided we want our own Daisy so if anyone knows where to find a dog like this please let me know. The best part though was the awesome lunch and dinner that my wonderful wife Jayne cooked . I was so hungry all day and she had plenty of nutritious food for us.
I am hosting a poker tournament August 22nd to raise money for the Qualcomm Million Dollar Challenge ride. The big winner will have the chance to be an official NFL photographer for a day with all day full field access to the Chargers/Broncos Monday Night Football game! This is a chance of a lifetime opportunity. There will be prizes for all tourney finalists plus food, raffles and more. If you are interested or know anyone who is please e-mail me at or call at 619-322-8894.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Serious Workout

Yesterday I went for it. I workout with Brad Gamsom at Progressive Fitness in Ocean Beach twice a week. Brad is awesome by the way. He uses gravity training machines where your body weight is the resistance and takes almost every muscle group to exhaustion in an hour. I decided I would ride to the workout and back yesterday. It is 25 miles each way and I had quite a headwind going east to west. After the workout I stoked the fire with a frozen yogurt with fruit and two fresh bottles of Poweraide for the ride home. I underestimated how tired I would be on the ride home. I averaged 14.9mph against the wind going but only 13.4mph with a tailwind on the way back. I had to stop twice for a breather on the way home as well. I was whipped by the time I got home. I am taking today off but looking forward to the climbing clinic sponsored by the CAF Saturday followed by our Sunday 52.5 mile group ride from Descanso to Julian and back. Even though the training is hard I really enjoy the challenge. Now if I can just win the XX radio contest......

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Fitness Quest 10 Workout

This Sunday instead of a group ride we met at Fitness Quest 10 in Scripps Ranch for some weight training relevant to those who cycle. Pat Jack carefully took us through the benefits of weight training and dispelled some myths about cyclists and why they should consider weight training in addition to aerobic only workouts. Pat really knows his stuff and kept us involved.
After the lecture/instructions we went outside for some nontraditional style workouts. We broke into 5 groups and took turn switching between running the ladders, pushing the weight sled, pounding a giant truck tire with a sledgehammer, throwing a medicine ball back and forth with your partner and swinging a huge length of rope that was looped through a heavy kettle bell. We all learned that we can get a great aerobic and weight training workout at the same time with movements and working muscle groups that will benefit our cycling form and fitness!
Back inside Pat showed us about a dozen stretches in standing, sitting and lying positions. This was awesome as I did not know many of these stretches and I am a slacker when it comes to stretching out. I have to admit I felt better and looser afterwards and will use many of the items I picked up from this clinic. On the funny side it was hilarious to watch most of us do the lizard walk. We were supposed to keep our butts down but you could really tell who spends time in the gym or who stretch versus those who don’t. There were lots of bums flying high as we crawled our way down the alley behind the gym. Hope no one took pictures!